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Search Results For: #shambhala2022

Shambhala Music Festival
Shambhala Music Festival (Nelson, British Columbia, Canada)
Shambhala started as a small festival of 500 people and is now one of Canadas largest electronic festivals with attendance of 10,000 people. This electronic, hip hop and art festival is found on a ranch in the beautiful BC mountains. Words from th festival Shambhala Music Festiv
2024  |  2023  |  2022  |  2020  |  2019  |  2018  |  2017  |  2016
keywords:   DJ   RVs   allowed   art   booths   camping   circus   dancer   dubstep   electronic   exhibitors   food   glamping   group   hip   hop   house   marketplace   musician   rapper   running   showers   singer   solo   techno   trance   water   workshops
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