Camp Wavelength - 2016
#campwavelength2016 Home ▸ Festivals ▸ Canada ▸ Ontario ▸ Toronto ▸ Camp Wavelength ▸ 2016Camp Wavelength 2016
If you were there, we were there!
This is an archived page of Camp Wavelength 2016. You can still tag photos or posts you make with #campwavelength2016 to have your posts show up on this page.
Check out these other pages: General info for Camp Wavelength and future Camp Wavelength events.
This is an archived page of Camp Wavelength 2016. You can still tag photos or posts you make with #campwavelength2016 to have your posts show up on this page.
Check out these other pages: General info for Camp Wavelength and future Camp Wavelength events.

Camp Wavelength takes place annually on Toronto Island. Steps to the beach and a short ferry ride from Toronto. This is an all ages event though you must be 19+ to camp at Wavelength. Local and out of town artist preform indie, rock, electronic and more.
Quick Info
Toronto, Ontario, Canada Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Summer Festival
Connect with Camp Wavelength
alternativeelectronicfunkindier & b / soulPerformances
alcohol boothscampingexhibitors - artfood boothsglampingrunning water