Buku Music And Art Project - 2019
#buku2019 Home ▸ Festivals ▸ United States ▸ Louisiana ▸ New Orleans ▸ Buku Music And Art Project ▸ 2019Buku Music And Art Project 2019
If you were there, we were there!
This is an archived page of Buku Music And Art Project 2019. You can still tag photos or posts you make with #buku2019 to have your posts show up on this page.
Check out these other pages: General info for Buku Music And Art Project and future Buku Music And Art Project events.
This is an archived page of Buku Music And Art Project 2019. You can still tag photos or posts you make with #buku2019 to have your posts show up on this page.
Check out these other pages: General info for Buku Music And Art Project and future Buku Music And Art Project events.

Buku Music And Art Project is an annual music and art festival. Taking place in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, of course food is another big attraction here. Underground electronic music, Hip Hop and Indie are sounds you will hear at Buku. This event is 18+.
Quick Info
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Mar 22, 2019 to Mar 23, 2019 - Festival is over!
Annual Spring Festival
Ages: From 18
electronichip hopindierockPerformances
bandDJmusicianmusician - guitaristrappersingerAmenities
alcohol boothsexhibitors - artexhibitors - otherfood boothsrunning water